Rudolph wants all volunteer 708 mental health board


Marc Rudolph, the head of KCCDD and the man leading the campaign to create a 708 Knox County Board of Mental Health doesn’t want the revenue a board would receive to go to salaries.
State law says that none of the seven board members can be paid or be on staff at any of the agencies that could receive funding.

Rudolph would like to take a page out of Jo Davies county’s playbook.

Rudolph tells Galesburg’s Evening News on WGIL that means paying a small percentage to the county clerk’s office.

“…to provide for the administrative type functions that have to happen,” Rudolph says. “And that would be my goal is to have 100 percent of the dollars to go directly toward services and I think that’s what we’re all looking for.”

Rudolph says whether or not the measure is passed, the results will have an economic impact.

He argues that dwindling state funding has put some organizations near the point of closing.

Besides the myriad of social services that these and other agencies provide, the three top organizations represent a $13 million a year payroll.

Property taxes are where the board would primarily draw their funds to organize a plan to “address unmet needs in the community.”

Rudolph says the owner of a $125,000 home would expect to pay about $60 more a year, but says that we’re already paying a higher cost by dealing with mental health in jails, emergency rooms and law enforcement.

