Building Committee approves emergency furnace replacement, IT move to Bondi Building


The County Building Committee got some bad news last night with regard to a fire inspection that had been completed at the Knox County Courthouse. 

Sheriff David Clague detailed a recent inspection that the Galesburg Fire Department had done, which Clague said was “not favorable.”

Several issues were discovered, including problems with space heaters being used when they were expressly asked to not be used, as well as recent ductwork blocking a fire suppression system.

The committee choose to table discussion on the work needed done.

Additionally Board President Pam Davidson brought to the committee an emergency heating issue that sprung up in the Administrative Annex. Allegedly, two of the three furnaces were cracked and leaking carbon monoxide.

Davidson told the committee she had told Mechanical Services Inc. to conduct an emergency furnace replacement on two units that were over 30 years old that had cracks in them.

The committee discussed replacing the heating exchange in the third unit, but in the end approved a bid to replace the third furnace at the annex from MSI.

Committee members approved to move the IT Department to the Bondi Building.

Cody Basham with Klingner and Associates brought forward two different options to move IT within the confines of the Courthouse.

Davidson said that the committee had the option to move the IT to the Bondi Building, which is owned by board and committee member Bob Bondi.

Bondi said that rent would be $300 and include electricity, internet connection and janitorial services.

The committee approved the motion on the condition that the space at the Bondi Building would first be looked at by Andrew Rowe with the IT Department and County Clerk Scott Erickson.

The move was approved by the committee – with Bondi abstaining from voting.

