Weekend events gaining popularity in Bishop Hill and Bushnell


The 3rd Annual Jeep Blitz returns to Bushnell this weekend featuring rides and attractions for everyone in the family.
Hosted by Steinjager in Bushnell, the event has essentially tripled in size. In 2015 the event hosted over 170 Jeeps; last year 270 Jeeps entered the event; this year, organizers expect around 500 Jeeps to participate. Sales Manager for Steinjager, Adam Morrow, says the event officially began yesterday – but the weekend is full of plenty to do. “The firehouse in Bushnell at 6:00 am (on Saturday) there’ll be a great breakfast to get you going,” Morrow said. “At 9:00 am the vendor area opens at the Steinjager Test Track. Tremendous amount of vendors coming this year – from everywhere. We’ve also got some rock-crawlers, just huge rigs will be showcased – kids will love that.  We’re giving away about $10,000 in products at 4:30 pm through a raffle. A big Jeep parade at 5:30 and after party at the Jenny Wren Club.”  Saturday will also feature trail rides, mud pits, Steinjager factory tours, an RTI ramp, a parade, and live entertainment. Friends, family, kids and pets are all welcome to attend. A full list of events and to register to enter events visit the Jeep Blitz website. The event will round out the weekend on Sunday with Ibex Trail rides from the Checkrow Church starting at 9:00 am.

As part of Bishop Hill’s celebration of the Illinois Bicentennial, the Bishop Hill Heritage Association has organized a Civil War Day Saturday, May 26th. Administrator for the BHHA, Todd Dedecker, tells WGIL there will be Union and Confederate encampments in the village park all day with programs occurring throughout the day. “We had an entire company of Bishop Hill volunteers who fought for the Union side,” Dedecker said. “They were part of Company D of the Illinois 57th volunteer infantry. Their nickname was the Swedish Union Guard. Because of that Civil War connection, we thought it’d be a good idea to honor those and to teach the public what life was like in the 1860s during the Civil War.” According to Dedecker, the Swedish Union Guard fought at Fort Donaldson, Shiloh and the Atlantic Campaign during Sherman’s March to the Sea. Activities begin at 10:00 am Saturday, May 26th with an artillery demonstration by the Battery G, 2nd Illinois Light Artillery. Skirmish #1 at Coopers’ Field will begin at 11:00 am. The day will also include a speech by General John “Black Jack” Logan at the Village Park Gazebo, medical demonstrations, Civil War song concerts, and more.  A full schedule is available online.

