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Bustos and Durbin Announce Ambulance Line Extension


Bustos picA Rock Island ambulance production line will extend another two years thanks to the efforts of a local congresswoman and a U.S Senator.

Congresswoman Cheri Bustos and Senator Dick Durbin met today to make the announcement at the Rock Island Arsenal’s Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center.

The Arsenal’s Humvee ambulance production line will now remain open through August of 2017 to produce an additional 658 Humvee ambulances.

The extension is a financial addition of $60 million…which has been added to the Fiscal Year 2015 Defense Appropriations Bill.

Bustos says “the Arsenal is not only an equipment manufacturer..but it is the engine that drives the regions economy.”

The East Moline democrat added that she will “continue to support the region by ensuring the Arsenal remains open for years to come.”

More than 500 Humvee ambulances are currently being produced for Army National Guard use during natural disasters and homeland security responses.

JMTC has increased its workload as well–which began at $88 million in fiscal year 2013.

The center is projected to reach a $254 million workload by the end of fiscal year 2015.