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National Health Center Week Celebrated by Knox Community Health Center


national health centerYesterday through Saturday is National Health Center Week 2015, and the Knox Community Health Center is celebrating by raising awareness.

Knox County Health Department Administrator Michelle Fishburn says the Community Health Center will be celebrating patients and care providers internally this year.

Fishburn tells WGIL that National Health Center Week is a way to raise awareness of the goals and achievements of Health Centers across the nation.

“National Health Center Week is a week long campaign to raise awareness about the mission and accomplishments of community health centers across America, which are our largest and most successful primary care system there is,” says Fishburn.

Fishburn says they will be thanking the Community Health Center Board this week, which is comprised of 50% patients.

“We’ll really spend some time celebrating internally. Our governance board will meet this week, and we’ll thank them and recognize them for everything they do all year.”

Fishburn says health centers started as a pilot project 50 years ago during President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty.

Fishburn says it’s important to celebrate a system that has been providing patient care for so long, and that we are fortunate to have a community health center in Knox County.