Illinois House takes up bar on public sex-harassment payouts

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) – Legislation barring the use of taxpayer money to settle complaints of sexual harassment against legislators is moving to the House floor.

The Executive Committee OK’d the plan unanimously Wednesday.

Rep. David McSweeney says staff members for the House and Senate have told him they’re not aware of any such instances in Illinois. But the Barrington Hills Republican says “I want to make sure it doesn’t happen in the future.”

He noted taxpayer-financed settlements among members of Congress – notably Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida and GOP Rep. Blake Farenthold of Texas.

Fallout from the #MeToo movement continues to dog the General Assembly. House Speaker Michael Madigan has recently defended his handling of harassment complaints against two of political aides.

The bill is HB4243 .

