Insurance company: Catalytic converter thefts on the way down

catalytic converter
Santeri Viinamäki, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

One major insurance company says thefts of one particular item connected to motor vehicles is down again.

Bloomington-based State Farm says based on their data only, thefts of catalytic converters are down 74 percent in the first half of this year, compared to last year.  That’s based on claims made to them.

So far this year, the good neighbor says they’ve paid out $11.2 million on claims for such thefts nationally, with an average claim costing them $2,900.

Illinois, though, based on their claims data, is still the second-highest state for such thefts, but it’s nowhere even close to the number one: California.

State Farm says while down significantly from last year, California has reported more than two thousand catalytic converter thefts this year so far, compared to Illinois’ 540 claims.

State Farm says customers should continue following these theft-prevention tips:

  • Park inside a garage or in well-lit areas.
  • Install a sensitive alarm system.
  • Have a security camera pointing at your car in its usual parking spot.
  • Engrave your VIN on your car’s catalytic converter.
  • To protect yourself, speak with your State Farm agent to make sure that your auto insurance policy covers the theft of your entire vehicle or of its parts through comprehensive coverage.
  • Safety is paramount. If you encounter a potential theft do not approach or engage a potential thief. Contact authorities immediately.  (Source:  State Farm)



  • 2019: 2,500 claims, $4.7M, $1,900 avg claim
  • 2020: 10k claims, $20.9M, $2,100 avg claim
  • 2021: 32k claims, $73.7M, $2,300 avg claim
  • 2022: 45k claims, $115.4M, $2,500 avg claim
  • 2023: 21.2K claims, $62.5M, $2,900 avg claim
  • 2024 (January-June): 3,800+ claims, $11.2M, $2,900 avg claim  (Source:  State Farm)

