UPDATE: GHS FFA Alumni group is saving the program; ag show for students

An agriculture show going on Friday, May 24, at Galesburg High School is designed to get more students interested in the field.  This comes after efforts to prop up the program, which came close to being eliminated due to lack of interest.  GHS FFA Alumni president Ben Yeutson and vice president Pat Sherman, along with students Local Yeutson and Hailey Smith talked about it with Will Stevenson on Galesburg's Morning News.

5/23/24 5:25 P.M. UPDATE:  The GHS FFA Ag Show, scheduled for Friday, May 24, has been postponed until Tuesday, May 28, due to expected inclement weather.

Members of the Galesburg FFA program, from left: alumni vice president Pat Sherman, students Hailey Smith and Logan Yeutson, and alumni president Ben Yeutson.
Members of the Galesburg FFA program, from left: alumni vice president Pat Sherman, students Hailey Smith and Logan Yeutson, and alumni president Ben Yeutson.


An agriculture show going on Friday, May 24, at Galesburg High School is designed to get more students interested in the field.  This comes


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