Data: Chicago’s expressway sees the most high-speed tickets

CHICAGO (AP) – Chicago police data figures show that the city’s Lake Shore Drive is a hot spot for high-speed ticketing.

The Chicago Tribune reports that Lake Shore accounts for more than half of all such citations in the city. The number of high-speed tickets issued on Lake Shore jumped to more than 4,300 last year, up from more than 500 in 2014. Citywide, more than 7,800 such citations were issued last year, up from nearly 1,400 in 2014.

The South Lake Shore Drive area had the most tickets for going at least 35 mph over the limit than any other spot on the drive. There were nearly 2,600 high-speed tickets in that area last year.

The majority of drivers receiving speeding tickets on Lake Shore were going at least 75 to 80 mph, which is almost double the maximum speed limit.

